First ones in my garden....esimesed õitsejad

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring is here now. Just a breath away from is good to wait for something and when it arrives, it will be over so fast...I take a cup of coffee and sit down in the garden bench -enjoy the first flowers in my garden, listen to the birds and smell fresh air coming from the sea - this is life! This is happiness ... 
Kevad on nüüd lõpuks käes. Suvi on vaid ühe hingetõmbe kaugusel...nii hea on midagi oodata - kui see juba käes on, siis saab see liiga ruttu läbi. 
Lähen oma kohvitassiga õue terrassile - naudin esimesi kevadlilli, kuulan lindude laulu ja hingan sõõmudega merelt tulevat värsket õhku....- see on elu! See on õnn!
Take time to enjoy the nature! 
Võtke aega, et nautida tärkavat loodust!
I wish you a calm Easter time with your friends and family!
Ilusat rahulikku lihavõttepühade aega! 


marika said...

Kaunist kevadet ja pühi teilegi!

Rumour has it said...

It makes me happy as well to discover the first flowers growing outside and feel the sun! This last week was quite warm and nice; it really was so good to go outside and to stay there :)
I wish you also a good Eastertime and hope to hear from you soon on your blog! :D
Many greetings, Marjolijn

Maret said...

Suur tänu õnnitluste eest! Nuputan ja nuputan, kuid siiani pole veel päris selgusele jõudnud, kes peidab end Roosamamma nime taga. Tervitustega,