A new book of Epp Maria Kokamägi...Epp Maria Kokamäe uus raamat

Monday, December 21, 2009

One of my favourite Estonian artist Epp Maria Kokamägi has a new book out "Life. Art. Monograph of Epp Maria" - a really delicious book to read and to look at in the calm winter evenings. A cup of tea, Leonard Cohen's music and I am deep in my dreams... 
Find more about Epp Maria Kokamägi here.
There you will find also her blog, flickr page, twitter, facebook fan club...
Her previous book "Inspirations" is also available in English. I am a fan of her notebooks as well....

Epp Maria Kokamäe uus raamat "Elu. Kunst. Epp Maria Monograafia" on ilmunud ja selle esitlus toimub homme (22.12.2009) kl 10-12 Solarise keskuse Komeedi kohvikus. Raamat on samasugune õrn elamus nagu kunstniku eelminegi raamat "Maal". Epp Maria raamatud panevad mind unistama...ja seda võib ju jõulude ajal rohkesti teha...
Have a white dreams! Valgeid unistusi selleks nädalaks!

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