The Important Day....Tähtis päev....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Exactly one year ago the roses in my garden showed their first blossom....finding it in the morning, I knew it is my time to give life for the new soul. I was going to the hospital and in the night when sunset is kissing sunrise just for a short moment, my second daughter was born. Today the roses gave to me same present - a first rose blossom for my baby's first year birthday. Today the night will not get dark - it is the longest light day in Estonia.  Vanessa will be one year old (June 24).
Täpselt aasta tagasi läksin hommikul aeda ja leidsin esimese avanenud roosiõie. Teadsin, et nüüd on minu aeg anda elu uuele hingele. Läksin haiglasse ja ajal, mil päikeseloojang suudleb vaid hetkeks päikesetõusu, sündis minu teine tütar. Täna tegid roosid mulle samasuguse kingituse - nende esimene õis avanes mu lapse esimeseks sünnipäevaks. Öösel, kui otsitakse sõnajalaõisi, saab Vanessa aastaseks.  

Have a nice midsummer day!
Ilusat jaanipäeva!


Rumour has it said...

Many congratulations to your little Vanessa! That her life may be one lovely blossom! :)
I discovered that Scandinavian people celecrate June 21st as Midsummer-day, but in our regions it´s June 24th as well. Anyway it´s the longest day indeed and I know from my husband that Baltic people celebrate Life around the fire... I would like so much to participate in those celebrations one day.
All the best and good wishes,

Matroskin said...

Congratulations to mum and daughter! I saw rose petal jam in a shop, I wonder what it's like.

marika said...

Oi õnne, õnne!
Natuke hilinenult, aga kogu südamest...imeline muinasjutt :)

Miret said...

Thank you all for congratulations!