A Smell of Dreams. Unistustelõhnaline....

Monday, June 15, 2009

For me summer starts when the lily of the valleys start to bloom. These are the flowers of my childhood dream, my mother's favourite flowers. I close my eyes and feel the smell of dreams - white, tender, powerful, dreamy....
Minu suvi algab piibelehtede õitsemisega. Need on mu lapsepõlve unelmate lilled, minu ema lemmikud. Sulen silmad ja tunnen unistustelõhna - valge, õrn, võimas, unelmatelik....
My daughter loves flowers as I do. She does understand the soul of the beauty. She will remember times going to the valleys to pick up the dreams...
Mu tütar armastab lilli nagu minagi. Ta on ilu hingest hakanud aru saama. Kunagi meenutab ta aegu, kui käisime koos aasal unistusi korjamas...
Have a nice dreamy week!
Ilusat unistuste(lõhnalist) nädalat!

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