My Places...Minu kohakesed

Monday, June 8, 2009

How have you been doing? I haven't been blogging over month now. To be honest, I simply enjoy the outside world so much, that I do not find right time for blogging. We have only 4 warm months with the nature beauty creations in Estonia and I am always taking all what I can of it. Here are the places in my garden where I like to sit, to relax and to think...and to dream, dream, dream....Kuidas teil on läinud? Ma ei ole üle kuu aja midagi postitanud. Ausalt öeldes pole selleks lihtsalt õiget aega leidnud - õues on praegu nii fantastiline, et toaelu on täiesti tagaplaanile jäänud....Näitan teile killukesi oma aiast, kus armastan istuda, mõtelda ja - loomulikult unistada....
This is a place for my morning thoughts with the morning sun. Siin on minu hommikupooliku mõtiskluste nurgake - hommikupäikesele avatud. 
When the sun is too warm at the big terrace,  I am finding some comfort in the shadow in front of the smaller garden house. Kui elumaja terrassil on liiga kuum, siis põgenen varju väiksema aiamaja ette... 
Cosy place to relax....always very sunny place to be....Siin on mugav lebotada:

These two eyes just said hello to me for the first time today. Need kaks silma teretasid mind täna esmakordselt....
And these two birds are guarding the real birds to come and drink safely....Need kaks linnukest valvavad pärislinnukeste joogiplatsi.... 
I am watching my children to play...Laste mängumaja:
I hope my next post will take less than one month:-)
Have a nice week! 
Loodan, et mu järgmist postitust ei pea nii kaua ootama:-)
Ilusat nädalat! 


Rumour has it said...

Hello to Estonia again! :)
I´ve been missing your posts indeed and I´m glad to learn that you´re alright... enjoying the sun and a good time outside!
Your home/gardenhouse has beautiful bright colours; that brings happiness in life, I´m sure.
My mother-in-law lives in a bright yellow wooden house in Lithuania and for us this gives a real holiday-feeling :D
All the best to you, warm greetings,

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blogg!!! I like!!!

Agneta from Sweden

marika said...

Ohoh, ometi postitus:)

Armsad unistuste kohad ja lastel oma maja! Maja meenutab Astrid Lindgreni lugusi... :)

Ilusat neljapäeva

Miret said...

Thank you for your comments Marjolijn and Agneta.
Marika - maja on tegelikult natuke eeskuju saanud taani ühest laste seriaalist Bamse (mõmmi) ja Sul on õigus, et ilmselt ka Lindgreni raamatutest ja filmidest.